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Additional Resources

Academic and Student Services manages all academic advising, planning, registration and administration for current students. Advisers are a resource for current students to assist with proper course selection and answer questions regarding a program’s curriculum.

Academic Advisers by Program: 
When needed, contact your adviser by email or phone to schedule a meeting.

Undergraduates; Accelerated 5th-Year; MBA/MSF Dual-Degree; MBA/MSA Dual-Degree; MS-Marketing; MS-Marketing Analytics
Laura Burgess
Carlson Hall, Room 229

Full- and part-time MBA and MSM students
Meredith Galena
Carlson Hall

MSF, MSA, MSBA, and MS-Accounting Analytics
Carissa Leung
Carlson Hall

School of Business Course Schedules

The most up-to-date course schedules can be found on the Registrar’s web page.


Clark’s School of Business issues an updated Academic Policies Manual each year. Current students are expected to follow the policies and rules that govern the students, faculty and staff at the School of Business. Please refer to this manual for information on academic integrity, health insurance, program and graduation requirements, career services, the grading system and more.

School of Business Academic Policies & Procedures

The School of Business has also issued a policy for students regarding the use of ChatGPT and generative AI tools. That policy can be found here:

CUSB ChatGPT & Generative AI Use Policy

Beta Gamma Sigma international honor society comprises students and scholars from business programs accredited by the AACSB International. Each spring, the School of Business celebrates the academic achievement of its top performing students with an induction ceremony and reception. Students from each of the School of Business graduate programs are eligible for consideration. The deadline for determination of who will be inducted is during the Spring Semester after Module A grades are posted. Students must meet the following criteria:

  • In final semester of degree program (or finished in the fall semester or previous summer).
  • Registered for all their remaining courses.
  • In good financial standing (zero account balance).
  • Have a cumulative GPA in the top 20% for M.B.A, M.S. in Accounting, M.S. in Business Analytics, M.S. in Finance, or M.S. in Management degree, or in the top 10% for the undergraduate management major.
  • Have no violations of academic integrity policies.

These students will be invited to join the Beta Gamma Sigma honors society. Students who are on this list for invitation will NOT have any incomplete grades and will have fulfilled all of the degree requirements for their program by the end of the semester.

All graduate students are expected to follow the Clark Code of Conduct. Breaches of the University’s Graduate Student Code of Conduct will not be tolerated. Students are expected to know University policies regarding academic dishonesty (e.g., plagiarism, cheating).

Graduate Student Code of Conduct and Judicial Procedures

A Stevenish Career Management Center course of career tutorials, alumni videos, and other resources that educate and prepare student to enter their first professional position.

Access the Canvas Career Training Library here.

Degree Requirement Checksheets

Undergraduate Programs

The School of Business has been involved in initiatives surrounding Assurance of Learning for a number of years. The purpose of our initiatives is to conduct student learning assessment at the program level in all academic degree programs.

Please see our dedicated Assurance of Learning page for additional information and program-specific learning goals. 

Contact Information

School of Business

Office Location
  • 950 Main Street
    Worcester, MA 01610

    The School of Business is located in Carlson Hall, close to the Maywood Street parking lot.

  • Telephone: 1-508-793-7543
  • Fax: 1-508-793-8822